Missing baryon

5 min readAug 3, 2023


Introduction: A Universe of Secrets

The universe, with its vast expanse and mesmerizing celestial wonders, has always intrigued humanity. Yet, until recently, a significant portion of its composition remained shrouded in mystery. We’re not referring to the enigmatic dark matter or dark energy, which collectively form a substantial portion of the cosmos. Instead, our focus turns to the ordinary matter that constitutes everything we perceive, from stars and galaxies to you and me. This quest for the elusive “missing baryon” reveals an astonishing journey through time, physics, and ingenuity.

The Conundrum of Ordinary Matter

Ordinary matter, composed of protons and neutrons known as baryons, forms the essence of our tangible universe. Theoretical expectations dictated that baryonic matter should account for approximately 5 percent of the universe’s composition. But when we ventured into the cosmos to measure, we found only half of what was predicted — a mere 2.5 percent. A crucial question emerges: why did we expect this specific ratio in the first place?

The Genesis of Elements: A Fiery Beginning

To comprehend the origins of the predicted ratio, we delve into the aftermath of the Big Bang. In those incendiary moments, a maelstrom of protons and neutrons danced amidst searing temperatures and intense radiation. As the universe expanded and cooled, protons and neutrons fused together, ultimately birthing helium-4 nuclei, stable configurations comprising two neutrons and two protons. Yet, the road to helium-4 construction required a pit stop at the formation of deuterium, a less stable nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron. This intermediate step was pivotal, as it paved the way for the eventual creation of helium-4.

Formation of the elements/Nucleosynthesis in the early universe

The Snapshot of Cosmic Proportions

Around 10 seconds after the Big Bang, conditions became conducive to the formation of deuterium, a fleeting nucleus crucial for helium-4 synthesis. This cascade of events led to the final proportions observed in the universe — 75 percent hydrogen and 25 percent helium by mass, a snapshot that endures to this day. Astonishingly, one out of every million hydrogen atoms we encounter, including those in everyday tap water, traces its origins back to these explosive beginnings.

The Cosmic Microwave Background: Illuminating Clues

Gazing deep into the celestial abyss, we find an ancient beacon — the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. This residual glow, an afterglow of the Big Bang, carries vital information about the universe’s early stages. By studying its photons, we can deduce the density of radiation following the cataclysmic birth of the cosmos. The ratio of baryonic matter to these photons offers a window into the elusive 5 percent composition we seek.

cosmic microwave background?

The Great Census: Accounting for Baryons

In the late 1990s, scientists undertook a monumental task — a cosmic census. They meticulously tallied every celestial entity within their observational reach: planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, and gaseous nebulae. Surprisingly, these accounted for a mere 20 percent of the anticipated baryonic matter. A significant portion remained hidden, veiled by darkness, beyond our direct vision.

The Cosmic Backlight: Illuminating the Shadows

To unveil this obscured matter, we require a cosmic backlight — an ancient source of light piercing the darkness. Enter quasars, celestial powerhouses radiating brilliance far beyond the luminosity of galaxies. These luminous giants, fueled by supermassive black holes, emit light with such intensity that it traverses vast cosmic distances. This distant light, redshifted by cosmic expansion, provides insights into the elusive missing baryons.

The Lyman-Alpha Forest: Mapping the Invisible

As quasar light journeys through space, it encounters patches of neutral hydrogen gas. These patches, lying along our line of sight, create a distinctive pattern known as the Lyman-Alpha forest. By analyzing the absorption lines caused by these patches, scientists can construct a one-dimensional map of neutral hydrogen distribution. This mapping exercise leads us closer to the elusive baryonic matter, yet the quest continues.

Lyman-alpha forest

The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium: A Hidden Reservoir

Computer simulations unveiled a tantalizing possibility — the missing baryons might dwell in the intergalactic abyss between galaxies. These baryons, existing in the form of ionized particles within sprawling sheets or filaments, were remarkably dispersed. However, detecting these ionized particles posed a challenge; they emitted or absorbed energy in the high-energy UV and low-energy X-ray spectrum.

Electromagnetic radiation

The Whistler Phenomenon: A Cosmic Echo

In 2007, astronomers encountered a natural phenomenon — fast radio bursts. These intense bursts of radio waves, originating from distant galaxies, could hold the key to unlocking the mystery. By studying the dispersion of these bursts, we could gauge the density of ionized baryons along their path. A recent breakthrough study utilizing fast radio bursts unveiled a revelation: the missing baryons, comprising 50 percent of the puzzle, were indeed present in the warm-hot intergalactic medium.


Conclusion: Illuminating the Shadows

The pursuit of the missing baryons unraveled a cosmic tapestry rich in complexity and intrigue. Through the lens of science, we ventured beyond the visible, unearthing the hidden realms that shape our universe. This triumph of discovery, validating decades-old simulations, showcases the relentless curiosity and ingenuity of human exploration. As we celebrate this achievement, we’re reminded that science thrives not only in confirming what we know but in uncovering the enigmas that propel us toward new frontiers.

